Beauty is all Around

The Val de Grâce: A Parisian Treasure Touched by Miracle

Hello, dear friends!

Caroline here, excited to share with you a Parisian spot that is very close to my heart. It’s a place of breathtaking beauty and elegance, marked by a history as rich as it is miraculous – the Val de Grâce.

The inception of this magnificent church dates back to a royal promise made by Anne of Austria, Queen of France. In gratitude for the birth of her son, the future Louis XIV, in 1638, she envisioned the creation of a royal abbey. The construction, led by the famed architect François Mansart, began in 1645 and reached completion in 1665 under Gabriel Le Duc. Today, Val de Grâce stands proudly, affiliated with the diocese of the French military. My latest visit of the inside was during the Journées du Patrimoine in September, where its grandeur left me in awe once again.

The church’s Baroque façade, with its swirling volutes and majestic dome, draws inspiration from two iconic churches – Saint Peter’s Basilica and the Church of the Gesù, both in Rome. Stepping inside, you’re greeted by a stunning Baldaquin and a dome adorned with paintings by Pierre Mignard, completed in 1666.

Our daily walks often take us past the Val de Grâce, whether we’re heading to the gym or picking up a baguette from our beloved bakery. The little square across the church is adorned with buildings that are nothing short of spectacular, each narrating its own chapter of Parisian history. However, on June 21st last year, our routine was shattered by a sudden, deafening explosion. The Paris American Academy, just beside the church, was destroyed by a gas explosion that tragically claimed three lives. Amidst the chaos, Val de Grâce stood resilient, suffering only minor damages, while the surrounding shops and schools bore the brunt of in the form of shattered windows.

Like with Notre-Dame de Paris, this event was a stark reminder of the fragility of life and the preciousness of our historical monuments. They, like us, are not invincible, let us not take them for granted. As we continue to explore and admire these architectural marvels, let’s cherish them, care for them, and above all, love them wholeheartedly.

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